When feeling lonely...lol
Okay the title sounds gay... Anyway, this is my last post for today. 3 post in 1 day...whew... This time is during Saturday, 1st July 2006, when Masa & Ian left to Sydney. Oh I'm in Sydney now by the way. But both of them left early so nobody at home. It was so quiet and depressing. So that's why I can finish edit all my old pictures... hahaha but then I'm thinking of having a haircut, but before that I look myself at the mirror and think "I look so cool, I better took self-portraits now then I can took it when I have my haircut as well... so like before and after kind of shot" so I did... Because nobody around I can adjust "the studio" better than last time hahaha
More shots at http://www.pbase.com/gantengx/ronald_suwandis_photo_session
More shots at http://www.pbase.com/gantengx/ronald_suwandis_photo_session

First shot, actually this is for testing purpose but it turns out not bad hehehe

Erm... if you wonder actually this post is very very similiar to Phil Wickham's picture on his CD. Oh he got nice songs by the way..

The "studio"

The "lighting"

New haircut, nice smile hahaha lol

That's all... I better brush my teeth...it's 1:29PM in sydney and I haven't brush my teeth yet... hahahaha lol