Protest Against Israel July 2006
Finally an update for the blog. After came back from Sydney, I had to edit around 600 pictures, and still haven't finished all of it yet. And there was a protest against Israel in front of Adelaide's Parliament House. The protest is about Israel's attack to Lebanon.. Aside from that, during one of my lecture I was so sleepy, and then Steph surprised me by giving me the latest Eskimo Joe's album. I was so surprised yet so happy... I wanted the CD but haven't got time to buy it yet.. And she bought it for me... And then she cooked me dinner, and it was so good! Then we watched The Lake House. It's a really good movie, a bit confusing but the storyline was very good, lighting & colour is just awesome! Okay enough about my personal life, otherwise I'll irritate everyone by keep talking about Steph the whole time haha.
Back to the protest, I was lucky, when me & Masa went out for dinner, he saw a very small poster on the traffic light about the protest. And then he showed me and I ended up went for the protest. It was a peaceful protest held by on 22nd of July.
This is the Parliament House, where the protest being held. I went there when they still preparing for the protest.
People started to come and join
Israel: Shamefully Really An Evil Land... I can't say this is wrong, especially if you know what they actually did. Yes, the Lebanon terrorist group did evil stuff. But what Israel did to "protect" themself by killing all the innocent people is not an act of protection rather an act of destruction.
For people who don't know, Agent Orange is a very dangerous chemical used during the Vietnam War which kills a lot of people and increased risk of various type of cancer.
Picture edited by Steph
The MC. I remembered one of the speaker said that if you want to defend yourself, you have to defend it in the right measure. If someone slap your face it doesn't mean you can kill the person and the person's family as an act of your "defense".
The little girl let the bird to fly as a sign of peaceful protest. But the bird didn't end up flying to the top, it just went down.
An innocent look by a child
I wonder if this kind of view a child should see. A child supposed to have a beautiful and peaceful childhood. Not exposed to wars and protests. They shouldn't know what war in the first place I think...
Children shouldn't be a victim of the war..
A lady claps after listening to the speech
An activist showed the newspaper
An activist passed over the newspaper
For a full gallery just visit my photo gallery
lensa yg lo pake lensa apa ron?
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