SAOC Appeal Dinner 2006
Finally an update, okay I know this is not a professional way to do this. Since the photo was taken on 4th August and I just finished it yesterday (15 September) but it just can't be helped... I had heaps of assignments to due, and I got another 5 coming out... Ah well, back to the pictures
I was so lucky, Fabian, Steph's friend works for South Australia Olympic Council and needed photographers for the fundraising dinner. He asked Steph to be the photographer and Steph asked whether I could be a photographer as well. But then it makes me think, I only have my Sony DSC-P100 and Nikon F3 (bad for fast stuff, manual focus is just not the way) then luckily Michael Wong lend me his camera! Hooooo!
The fundraising dinner is held to assist athletes in South Australia.
Human Nature rehearsing for the event. They performs very well

New Toyota Camry for the lucky draw. Black & white and the real color version

Her Excellency Marjorie Jackson-Nelson, AC, CVO, MBE governor of South Australia. She was well known for her participation of sports

Robert Gerard AO from Gerard Corporation, he is also a chairman and managing director for Quarter Club.

John Conomos, executive chairman of Toyota Australia giving speech

Me & Steph just can't believe this. Both of us so busy and when we took a break we saw this on the table... Just can't believe how free those volunteers are until they can play monopoly... Haha

Interviewing with the ex-olympiad

Human Nature performs

The auction starts. Some of the participant is quite funny. While there's no initial price set some of them just suddenly shout $10,000 and so on...

One of the auction participant

Volunteers. BankSA provided all the equipments there.

Matt Hetherington Band

This is where people paying for the auction items
Well that's the pictures for now, more information about SAOC is at and for more pictures for Sydney pictures, should be up soon, I promise. I hate when my Temp folder is full... So I should finish it by this holiday hehehe.. And I'm quite enjoying using linux now, not for pictures but for other stuff, like listening to my music, to do my assignments, ah... I'm thinking of installing it but I've already paid for my photoshop...Ah well.... And yah, iTunes 7.0 rocks! Haha